Pasi William Argeros u dënua nga gjykata amerikane me 4 muaj heqje lire pasi akuzohet se ndërhyri për një foto të kryeministrit Edi Rama me ish-presidentin Barack Obama, vjen një reagim nga ish-kryeministri Sali Berisha.
Në një mesazh në ‘Facebook’ Berisha theksoi se shumë shpejt kreu i qeverisë shqiptare do të jetë para drejtësisë amerikane për shkelje sipas tij të ligjit elektoral të SHBA dhe mashtrim. Mes të tjerash Berisha akuzoi Ramën se ky i fundit ka mashtruar drejtësinë amerikane duke deklaruar se nuk ka lidhje për shumën prej 80 mije dollarëve për foton me Ish-presidentin Obama.
Rama se shpejti para drejtesise amerikane per:
1- Shkelje te ligjit elektoral te SHBA dhe
2- mashtrim i drejtesise amerikane me dashje per aferen e tij antiligjore!
Denohet Argeros, njeru qe mori parate, 80 mije dollare per foton me Obamen te Bilalit dhe Bilal Hanemit pra Rames qe shpalli veten gruaja e Bilalit per te hyre si çift ne dreken e Obames.
Miq, pas ashikut, burrit te Rames, Bilalit, Wiliam Argeros eshte personi i dyte qe denohet me 24 muaj burg per 80 mije dollaret e dhene nga Rama ne kundershtim flagrant me ligjin amerikan per foton me ish presidentin Barak Obama.
Edvini ka mashtruar drejtesine amerikane duke deklaruar se nuk ka lidhje per shumen prej 80 mije dollareve per foton me Ish presidentin Obama.
Argeros, qe kishte mashtruar para jurise se madhe per origjinen e parave, ka deshmuar ne sallen e gjyqit, i penduar per aktin, se ai ka vepruar ne emer te nje klienti te huaj dhe konkretisht Edvin Kristaq Rames!
Burime ligjore nga Wahingtoni njoftojne se mbi Edi Ramen rendojne tani dy akuza:
1-Shkelja e rende e ligjit elektoral amerikan me 80 mije dollaret e paguar per foton me ish presidentin Obama dhe tejet e rende,
2- Mashtrimi i tij se ai nuk ka lidhje me shumen e paguar, gje qe Argeros me deshmin e tij ne gjyq deshmon te kunderten!
Lexoni artikullin e plote te botuar ne Washington Times me titull: “Denohet me burg njeriu qe inxhinieroi kontribute ilegale per Obamen!”
Man gets prison for engineering illegal foreign contribution to Obama
By - Associated Press - Monday, September 30, 2019
NEWARK, N.J. — A man who engineered an illegal contribution from a foreigner to a joint fundraising committee for President Barack Obama in 2012 was sentenced to four months in prison Monday.
William Argeros had pleaded guilty in 2016 to making foreign contributions and lying to a grand jury, and had faced up to 24 months in prison under his plea agreement. But U.S. District Judge Madeline Cox Arleo noted the 61-year-old’s lack of a prior criminal record and her belief that the $80,000 contribution wasn’t meant to influence the U.S. election.
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U.S. law prohibits foreign nationals from making contributions to federal candidates. Attorney John Azzarello, representing Argeros, said his client was acting on behalf of a candidate for prime minister of Albania who wanted a photo taken with Obama.
The candidate was Edi Rama, Azzarello said, who was elected and currently is Albania’s prime minister. When the charges became public in 2016, Rama’s office denied being the source of the contribution.
The U.S. attorney’s office contended Argeros arranged that the contribution was made through a New Jersey resident, Bilal Shehu. Shehu was sentenced to probation in 2017.
Cox Arleo said she gave Argeros a stricter sentence because he acknowledged lying to a grand jury.
Argeros had been living in Tampa, Florida, at the time the charges were brought. He also spent many years in the Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, area where his work included serving on a prison advisory board and helping prisoners re-enter society, Azzarello said Monday. Some of his former colleagues wrote letters to Cox Arleo supporting him.
A tearful Argeros told the judge, “I’m ashamed and I take full responsibility for what I’ve done.”
Cox Arleo also sentenced Argeros to four months’ home confinement and community service.…/william-argeros-sentence…/