Këshilltari ekonomik i CDU-së, parti qeverisëse në Gjermani, ka replikuar ashpër me ambasadoren suedeze në Tiranë, Elsa Hastad.
Në një postim në Twitter, ambasadorja Hastad ka përgëzuar hapat e marra për reformën në drejtësi, që sipas saj po ecën përpara.
Mirëpo, eksperti gjerman, Martin Henze i përgjigjet duke u shprehur me tone të ashpra:
Për çfarë po flisni? E dinë bashkëqytetarët tuaj suedezë se suksesi i reformës në drejtësi u bazua në faktin se dy vite më parë, sundimi i ligjit dhe demokracia u kthyen në autokraci? Komenti juaj është i turpshëm për ne evropianët.
Elsa Håstad@EHstadThe Justice reform in Albania is moving forward. Congratulation! @AnnLinde @SweMFA @SwedeninAL @EUAmbDanielsson https://twitter.com/lsorecaeu/status/1227613930253692928 …
Luigi Soreca@LSorecaEU
Great to speak to the 10 new prosecutors at their oath ceremony in front of the High Council. Soon they will reach their destinations in 9 local offices. They represent the new judiciary in #Albania, result of the #justicereform. Congratulations!Let #integrity guide you!
what are you talking about?Do yourSwedish fellow citizens know that the success of the justice reform was based on the fact that the rule of law, democracy was abolished 2 years ago and an autocracy was established?Your comment is shameful for us Europeans https://urimgjata.wordpress.com/2020/01/06/democracy-the-government-of-the-people-by-the-people-for-the-people/ …
https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1226887859216568320/TuzlxhLD?format=jpg&name=144x144_2); background-size: cover;" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Democracy: the government of the people by the people for the people.
Martin Henze Democracy: the government of the people by the people for the people. Prime Minister Rama announced eight topics at the beginning of 2020 on which his government will focus in 2020. He…